To Do List
A suggested timeline and a few examples of "to do" lists can be found below.

principal_summer_school_to_do_list.pdf |
Possible Criteria for Selection of Summer School Students
The following file provides possible selection criteria for students in the summer learning program.

fun_in_the_sun_student_selection_criteria.pdf |
Suggested Focus Skills for each Grade Level
The following file provides information about suggested focus skill areas for each grade level that can be shared with teachers.

grade_level_topics.pdf |
Invitation Letter to Accompany Enrollment Form
Below, you will find an example of an invitation letter to send to parents along with the enrollment form. It explains the summer learning program, and provides an overview of the program. It should be tailored to your specific site in regards to field trip dates, the daily schedule, and the arrangements you make with satellite schools.

fun_in_the_sun_enrollment_letter.docx |
Summer School Staff
Before your site's summer learning program begins, it is important to hire teachers who are highly skilled and commited to summer learning. Also, teachers should have an opportunity to purchase classroom supplies, so please customize the letter below to establish a clear line of communication.

fun_in_the_sun_teacher_confirmation_note.docx |
Your summer school staff should meet together prior to summer school as it lays the foundation for collaboration with will take place all summer long.
A sample agenda could consist of:
Welcome: Introduction of the summer learning program theme, daily schedule, and expectations
Calendar: Give teachers a calendar with important dates listed (with all special activities scheduled)
Group Collaboration Time: Allow groups to have time together to meet each other and start working on resources/ideas, especially for teacher traveling from a different school district.
A sample agenda could consist of:
Welcome: Introduction of the summer learning program theme, daily schedule, and expectations
Calendar: Give teachers a calendar with important dates listed (with all special activities scheduled)
Group Collaboration Time: Allow groups to have time together to meet each other and start working on resources/ideas, especially for teacher traveling from a different school district.
Each school district is responsible for transporting their students to and from the summer school site. Below, you'll find an example of a summer school transportation request.

request_for_summer_school_transport.docx |
Parent Communications
Campers and parents need confirmation their application was accepted. Here is an editable example of a confirmation letter that can be sent home with students.

fun_in_the_sun_confirmation_note.docx |
A parent meeting held before your summer learning program begins sets the tone for the whole summer. An example of a Parent Meeting Agenda can be found below.

parent_meeting_agenda.pdf |
A note could be sent home with each student on the first day of school to remind parents of the daily schedule, pick-up locations, field trip dates, etc. A sample can be found below.

fun_in_the_sun_first_day_note_for_parents.docx |
It is important to keep parents informed during the summer learning program. A sample letter explains the importance of keeping communication channels open with parents.

lesson_plans_parent_communication.docx |
Scheduling/Afternoon Enrichment Ideas
This is an example of what a daily schedule for Superheroes in Training could look like.

daily_schedule.docx |
The afternoon enrichment portion of the summer learning program is a key component to the success of the program. Students LOVE the afternoon activities! The file below lists some ideas for activities. Of course, the activities offered depends on the qualifications of the personnel hired to teach in the afternoon.

afternoon_activity_ideas.pdf |
After you decide what activities to offer, scheduling the afternoon is next. It can be quite complex depending on how many students you have. The file below gives an example of how the time could be scheduled. It accommodates around 200 students. The students are mostly kept together with their morning class for easier location in the afternoon if parents arrive for early pick up.

Summer Learning Program Rotation Schedule |